Friday, March 21, 2008

Shoes and Me

I got a little tingle tonight when I checked my e-mail and saw that Payless was having an introduction of their vintage shoe line for the holidays. The reason for the tremor of excitement was because I thought they might have footwear that would accomadate my shoe wearing "issues". The last pair of shoes I bought besides my faithful running shoes was 2 years ago, this will be my third winter in them. One good thing about this is that it helps reduce the cost per year of housing my feet in harsh conditions. But this year, this year, I am fashion conscious (stop your laughing, you know who you are) and want to wear my really cool black monkey skirt in the cold but my only black shoes, purchased 6 years ago, are not suitable for my two least favorite words: Michigan and winter.

So, I read this e-mail and had visions of sugar plums in my head, or rather illusions of hip black Earth-type shoes at a fraction of the cost. I pictured myself in my well-fitting black skirt on Christmas Eve sans wet and cold feet. Then I clicked on the link, shook my head and returned to my inbox to delete the message. Juxtaposed, my "vintage" and their "vintage" are a little like a harlot-Laura Ingalls having coffee with a 70's hippie.
Currently reading :
An Egg on Three Sticks
By Jackie Fischer
Release date: 01 May, 2004

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