Thursday, April 30, 2009

Culinary Appreciation

If you have any inkling of appreciation for food you must try these or convince someone to make them for you!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Efficacious signs of grace



and cupcakes make for a perfect Confirmation and First Eucharist Celebration.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hello Spring?

The other day I had MY first sign of spring but didn't blog about it because I did last year and didn't feel the need to repeat myself. Instead I found some other positive indicators that wearing a skirt may be in my near future:

The rhubarb is bursting out of the ground.

The crocus' are making a feeble attempt even though it snowed on them today.

This daffodil is waiting patiently to say hello.

The hyacinths are taking a peek too.

And the oldest boy is back at work hydro-engineering.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Saturday seemed like a good day to whip up a pot of soup, Food and Wine's Hearty Minestrone to be more specific. I'm not a huge fan of Minestrone but as I was sitting in some office for some appointment I wrote it down in my little "things to remember later" book and so I went at it with gusto on yet another chilly spring morning. It was my first time playing with shallots, fennel, and pancetta and we all got along just fine. And next time Rachel Ray attacks her fennel bulb I will be able to relate.

It all starts with the white beans and we are fortunate to have a dry bean grower in our basket for friends so these are locally grown beans:

I think I was a prep cook in my former life:

Food art:

Cooking until softened:

The finished product: