Thursday, May 29, 2008

Been Missing

And where I've been I do not know. Maybe it is all these darn "end of the end of the" events I find myself at almost nightly. Soon, this will end too. Or possibly I am off coaching the t-ball team more nights than I realize. Really! I wasn't even supposed to coach. I was finally going to be one of those sideline parents in my comfy chair with my camera at the ready and bottle of beverage in hand. Maybe next sporting season.

Our beautiful, wonderful, exuberant dog has been diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, it wasn't just a blob of Jello on her spleen, it was a nasty ball of cells gone awry. Needless to say for anyone that knows us well, she is even more spoiled now that we know our days are limited with her. I even purchased a new camera so we can have plenty of Buchta moments captured, not that it will be the same once she is gone but it will still be something to hold onto.

One more week of this hellish school business and I'll have the kiddies home every day. I can't wait! I am so much more of an extracurricular parent, I want them to do the things they enjoy and are interested in as opposed to counting pieces of pie on a ditto.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie. :(