Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Communications Career?

I can't tell if Boy O is trying to get me off the phone or if he is hoping to improve our DSL service. Either way it is no surprise that he has a sharp cutting tool in his hand and is looking for something to use it on. Boys in this house are drawn to dangerous instruments like mud puddles. This morning he had a pair of child's scissors in one hand and the stapler in the other as he perused the scene for a victim. Poppy, the black and white cat, was the unfortunate candidate chosen for sacrifice. A chase ensued, Boy O dropped the stapler to gain speed, but Poppy, the wiser of the two ran under the bed. At first I thought Beastie Boy O had a hold of Poppy's tail and was attempting amputation but apparently he was just as happy trying to cut the blanket on his bed.

This type of scene happens daily around here unless all effective cutting/chopping/poking tools are hidden. It is not unusual to find a boy with a less than desirable haircut, or a quilt missing a square or two out of the top, my plants always grow back with extra vigor and cutting chocolate covered raisins is a great sensory input activity. All three boys have worked extra hard to poke a hole through the wall by the computer to run the extra DSL line, and really, all people and animals in our house have all the digits they were born with so you can skip that call to CPS.


Erin the Librarian said...

Well, at least your woodwork isn't up on that wall for them to dig on/in.

Mechelle said...

Always looking at the positive, I like that!

Alissa said...

OMG. GREAT photo! I'm not sure what is funnier: the photo itself or the fact that you took it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my house-and its only Ginger doing that crap!