Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fergie Days

There is nothing like having man's best friend on your side.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fly Guy

Summer flew in and out this year in more ways than one. The older I get the quicker time really does seem to move, I always thought old people were making that up, but they weren't.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bridge Run 09'

I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing justice to the 2009 Bridge Run. The whole weekend was amazing, from dinner on Friday at the Ugly Bar to eating 5 slices of fudge on way home with cousin Gary. The view was not something that could be captured on film-the sun rising over Mackinac Island on my left with moon on my right. Go here to check out fellow ambassador and Bridge Runner Sarah's photos (You can see me in the group with Governor Granholm, and the back of my head on the bridge with the blue hat on). She ran with her camera.

I met Bobby Crim at the spaghetti dinner where he gave a very motivational speech about staying fit for life and ended his talk as he jumped up and sat on the table with his legs spread apart and touched his forehead to the tabletop. He is 78 and ran the bridge with us.

A view from our hotel room as walkers are crossing over. Getting up at 4am was a challenge but the payoff was being done first and getting to gawk at everyone else.

The crowds coming over the bridge.

The grumpy runner that didn't smile when fellow runner Tim made a joke in the porta-john line.